Prevent Returns Fraud


Mitigate return policy abuse and fraud while driving customer loyalty and repeat purchase.


Customize your return policy


Loop allows you to customize your return policy so you can continue to drive customer loyalty, without losing revenue to fraud.

Leverage customer behavior data to automatically tailor the return experience, leading to increased controls where needed that mitigate policy abuse. Offer free shipping for your best customers, charge fees for repeat returners, require photo uploads before approving a return, and more.


With Loop, you get to decide what works best for you and your customers.

Mitigate incentive abuse


Post-purchase incentives drive customer loyalty, but it’s important to set some guardrails to protect your brand from return fraud.


Loop is built to support both sides of this challenge. Whether your goals are to offer higher bonus credit amounts or extend the return window for your best customers, or limit the amount of times a shopper can take advantage of these types of incentives, Loop gives you the control you need to bring your returns strategy to life.

More integrations for more control


Loop has integrations with the most impactful tools that power ecommerce today, allowing you to easily integrate your warehouse or 3PL solutions directly into our platform.

Harness item grade and disposition data directly from your warehouse or 3PL to better understand your customers’ behaviors and make informed decisions. Using this combined power of integrations and data, you can effectively automate and prevent against repeat offenders of fraud and abuse, thus delivering meaningful loss savings.

Find out why over 4,000 brands use Loop