brand loyalty

Boost retention this Black Friday Cyber Monday

During an economic downturn, retention matters. A lot.

But how do you turn new shoppers into repeat customers? By offering a delightful return experience.

That may seem counterintuitive, but we promise you it’s not. It’s worked for thousands of brands.

Dig into our resources below to learn more about how you can put retention at the center of your Black Friday Cyber Monday strategy.

Everything you need to put retention at the center of your Black Friday Cyber Monday strategy

BFCM returns

The 2022 Black Friday Cyber Monday (BCFM) Returns Checklist

How to leverage returns to retain more customers during Black Friday Cyber Monday

We’ve made this easy-to-follow checklist so you can wow! your new Black Friday Cyber Monday shoppers with a delightful return experience.


“Do It Without The Discounts”

There’s more to Black Friday Cyber Monday than slashing prices

Sustainable brands like Cotopaxi and Fair Harbor enjoy price premiums, greater customer retention, and stronger conversion. That means that mission-driven brands can plan their BFCMs without relying so heavily on the usual shopper incentives. Watch the entire webinar, or check out our key takeaway snippets, now.

Customer retention

How Returns Impact Shopper Retention

Our new consumer report surveyed 1,000 U.S. online shoppers–and the results were surprising

See what shoppers are saying about returns, and how the post-purchase experience affects their shopping decision making.

Additional resources

Demo Loop with a post-purchase specialist

Ready to win this Black Friday Cyber Monday season?

See how Loop can help you maximize retention and create a delightful post-purchase experience for your shoppers.